Console Learner — An interactive JavaScript course.

2.7 Error Handling

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wrong
Errors in JavaScript are handled with exceptions. When an exception is raised, a jump is made to the nearest error handler. In this console, errors are displayed in red.
throw 'oh no!';
"oh no!"
Exceptions can also be raised manually with the throw statement.
try {
} catch (e) {
    print('Ooops - ' + e);

The try...catch statement is used to handle exceptions in code. When an exception is raised inside the try block, the code jumps to the start of the catch block.
try {
} finally {
    print('No matter what - this happens!');
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wrong
The try statement can also have a finally block, which is always executed. Whether an exception was raised or not.
throw new Error('A decent error is a good start.');
Error: A decent error is a good start.
When throwing exceptions, care should be taken to always throw Error objects (like the example above). More on object creation and the new keyword later.

The console allows you to interact with the course material and examples. Use the following keys:

A special logging function is also available:

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