Console Learner — An interactive JavaScript course.

4.7 Native Value Objects

new Number(1)
As mentioned in 1.2. Object Types, JavaScript contains a number of built-in object types (or constructor functions, really).
new Number(1) == 1
It is common to make assumptions about these objects...
new Number(1) == new Number(1)
...and be wrong. In reality, the Number objects are wrappers around a primitive number value. They are not one and the same.
new Number(1).valueOf()
The built-in valueOf() method helps to explain what just happened. It is called to coerce an object to a primitive value type (i.e. boolean, number or string).
new Number(1) === 1
When avoiding type coercion, the first comparison from above now shows that the values are indeed different. The second result from above is explained by normal object comparison.
function Number() {
    [native code]
But lets not pretend that logic always prevail. Any primitive boolean, number or string value will happily masquerade as an instance of the corresponding wrapper object.

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